If You’re a Brewery, This Agency Will Do Your Branding For Free

The beer-loving folks at Top Hat are looking for a case study.

Photography by Top Hat
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Our friends at Top Hat, a Pittsburgh-based design and marketing firm (that has consulted for Hop Culture in the past), is looking to help a craft brewery establish its brand identity. In exchange for the opportunity (and maybe a little beer), they’re offering their services pro bono.

It’s an awesome initiative for a young brewery to establish their identity, which is one of the most important but often overlooked elements of the business when up-starts are consumed with worries over production, infrastructure, and compliance. In addition to developing a cohesive visual identity, Top Hat will work with the brewery on website design and development, packaging, and photography.

“We’re craft beer fanatics,” said Ben Butler, founder of Top Hat, who has tried 1,055 unique beers on Untappd. “It’s a prerequisite to join our team.”

Top Hat recently hired their first full-time creative director and completed a rebrand that included a new website and revamped office space. Their most successful project, which promoted the IndieGogo campaign Pittsburgh-based startup OnTheRocks, yielded $80,000 and a Public Relation Society of America (PRSA) Pittsburgh Renaissance Award -— the highest communications award in the region.

To learn more about the opportunity, check out the Top Hat website.

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About The Author

Kenny Gould

Kenny Gould

Currently Drinking:
Dancing Gnome Pounce

Kenny Gould graduated from Duke University with a degree in English. In 2017 -- the same year he founded Hop Culture -- he received his M.F.A. in Fiction from Chatham University. In addition to running Hop Culture, Kenny has contributed to Men's Health, Thrillist, Time Out New York, Munchies, and Bon Appetit, and currently contributes to Forbes. He recently published The Brewing Cloud, a collection of fictional short stories about the beer industry.

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