Brewpub Jerky Is My New Favorite Craft Beer Snack
Hop Culture's resident snack expert confirms: Brewpub Jerky is good.
I like to consider myself Hop Culture’s resident snack expert. Salty, sweet, even healthy snacks–I can tackle them all. I’d hazard a guess that running a snack-trading scheme in third grade might contribute to my self-proclaimed expertise. Or perhaps it was the hours I spent in high school debating snack rankings before homeroom. Either way, I love snacks, and Brewpub Jerky tops my list.
It should be noted that I’ve thought critically about snacks for years. Of course, pretzel rods, Italian taralli, and trail mix hold a nostalgic place in my heart. And I’ve discovered some more recent favorites like Avocado Puffs (Think cheese puffs but healthy?). I even have some controversial picks, like Twizzlers, Doritos, and Chex Mix — if you want to debate this, you know where to find me.
Even with that in mind, I’m willing to include Brewpub Jerky in the top-tier of snacks–alongside Pringles, Peanut M&Ms, Haribo gummies, and Cheeze-its.
What Is Brewpub Jerky?

Brewpub Jerky, as its name implies, is a brand of beef jerky designed specifically for craft beer drinkers. Now you might ask (as I did), “What makes this jerky more appropriate for craft beer than others?” And honestly, I couldn’t tell you. There’s nothing in how it’s made nor in its ingredients that suggests Brewpub Jerky is ideal for craft beer.
But, when you do pair Brewpub Jerky with your favorite beer, it just works.
The jerky has a fantastic balance of smokiness and spiciness, along with so much tasty, mouth-watering salinity. At first, the jerky is tough and hard to bite through. But once you get into it, it’s delightfully chewy and the flavors linger.
Being a jerky novice, I needed some comparisons. And Brewpub Jerky swept the floor with the commercial competition. It’s that flavor balance–salty, spicy, and smoky–that came together so well.
Should You Get Brewpub Jerky?

Before trying Brewpub Jerky, I was never a big beef jerky fan. Despite touting myself as a snack savant™, I typically steered clear from jerky. It was just never something we had growing up and, other than on long camping trips, I had my pick of other snacks. So, when I first tried Brewpub Jerky, I was hesitant.
But it was delicious.
I won’t claim that Brewpub Jerky is the best jerky you’ll ever have. There are likely leaner, healthier jerky options. And I imagine it’s hard to beat some homemade jerky.
That being said, Brewpub Jerky offers an affordable, delicious, superior snack. While I’ll still be reaching for a bag of Chex Mix in the comfort of my own home, Brewpub Jerky has become my new favorite hiking and road trip snack. Plus, as was advertised, it pairs well with beer–I’ve had the most success with a dry stout or a crispy lager.
So grab a cooler of your favorite pilsners, stock up on some jerky, and hit the great outdoors. Snack expert-approved.
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