The Culture of Craft Beer

Sit back and explore the culture of craft beer. Discover new craft breweries or dive into some of your favorites with in-depth interviews and expertly craft content about the culture of craft beer.

The 12 Best Instagram Accounts for Drinking Outdoors

Take your beer on an adventure.
It’s 2:00 PM on a Saturday. You’re sitting idle on the couch. A single damned ray of sunlight intrudes through your dusty living room curtains, ...
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For Mother’s Day, I Asked My Mom to Interview the Head Brewer at Arizona Wilderness

A chat between an expert and a novice.
The first time my mother went to a beer festival was two months ago, at Juicy Brews Tucson. The idea that her son quit his ...
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You Can Now Buy Beer from a Vending Machine Using Cryptocurrency

The world's first automated bouncer.
This is not a joke. We’ve officially hit peak 2018. Congratulations world, you asked for this. Civic, which is a company that secures people’s identity ...
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The Changing Gender Dynamics of Belgian Beer

Fighting for gender equality at home and abroad.
The stereotype that beer is a man’s drink persists across the globe, and smashing it is an important step for a more equal industry. Belgium ...
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Beers With(out) Beards: Stumbling through the Stubble of Craft Beer

This is your invitation to join us for a week of celebrating women in craft beer.
Do you remember your first craft beer? You know, the one that twisted your tongue from red solo cups and light lager to bubblegum funk ...
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Brewer’s Association Announces 2018 World Beer Cup Winners

Check out the winners of the Olympics of Beer.
According to the Brewer’s Association (BA), the 2018 edition of the World Beer Cup was the largest competition to date, with over 8,200 entries from ...
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Allagash’s Saison Day is a Reflection on Why We Love Beer

A celebration of subtlety.
As craft beer matures as an industry in America, so too do the ways in which we celebrate the suds. Beer festivals of the past ...
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Trillium’s Boston Beer Garden Returns for the Summer

Drink Trillium outdoors in Downtown Boston.
Trillium Brewing Co. announced that it will be returning to the Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston for the summer season. The Trillium Garden on the ...
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Talking Time Bomb, a Collab with Two of the Best New Breweries in the US

How collabs are meant to be done.
There’s a story behind every beer. This one begins in Braddock, Pennsylvania, circa May 2014. The setting: Brew Gentlemen’s opening day. That’s when Brandon Capps ...
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Celebrate Hops and Cannabis at the Two Flowers CBD Beer Fest

Two plants, one fest.
If you’re itching to celebrate both weed and beer on 4/20 (aside from scoring some Hop Culture merch), then look no further than Coalition Brewing’s ...
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How to Shuck an Oyster Like a Pro

Learning from the veterans at Schlafly's Stout and Oyster Fest.
I’ll admit right off the top. I don’t like oysters. They’re slimy and salty and gross. But, I have an incredible amount of respect for ...
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Brewing Change and Brewing Beer with the Pink Boots Society

Celebrating the women in craft beer.
As the door shut behind me a dull buzz settled on my shoulders like a winter sweater. Behind the bar, I could hear the gurgle ...
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As Is Hosts Mikkeller’s Manhattan Running Club Chapter

Lace up your running shoes.
Mikkeller Running Club, one of the most popular running clubs in the world, announced that As Is will be the official Manhattan chapter for MRC. ...
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Women All Over the World Are Coming Together This Week to Brew Beer

A celebration of the women in craft beer.
On Thursday, March 8th, a group of women will converge at Fifth Hammer Brewing in Long Island City, New York, to make a special beer ...
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How the Taproom Experience Fuels Craft Beer

Build it and they will come.
In the beginning of the craft renaissance, there was beer. That was essentially it: A few imbibing pioneers clustered in cold warehouse spaces, drinking a ...
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How to Drink Beer and Avoid the ‘Beer Gut’

It's easier than you think.
Enjoying craft beer while staying health conscious may seem a bit contradictory, but it’s definitely possible without nearly as much sacrificing as you may think. ...
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