The Best Bottle Opener To Buy For Any Beer Lover
Stylish and novelty bottle openers for the beer drinker in your life.
Sure, sabering a bottle is impressive and cracking that 12 ounces of glass with your molars is a superb party trick. Heck even pulling off the good old fashioned lighter or silver spoon gimmick can elicit awed oohs and ahs. But sometimes we need to be reminded why we have opposable thumbs. They’re useful!
For those of us who don’t want to chop off our fingers and chip a tooth, here are the best bottle openers for your hands. Give them as a gift or stash one away in your kitchen drawer.
One Handed Beer Opener

You only need one hand to drink beer, so why should you need two to open a cold one? Use this aluminum opener use a strong magnet to making cracking your beer cap a breeze. This frees up your other hand to keep grilling, drinking, or texting.
Crown Bottle

Great chefs use great knives. Great athletes use great trainers. It only makes sense that great drinkers should use great bottle openers. The Crown Bottle opener is forged out of solid brass meaning this hefty piece will last you for the rest of your life.
Hop Culture Bottle Opener

No shame in a little self-promotion especially when our bottle opener is so damn beautiful. Thanks to heavy steel and copper our accessory, which is handmade by a Canadian blacksmith, is as dependable as your best beer trading friend.
Gerber GDC ZIP Light+

For the adventurer. Gerber’s all-in-one tool includes not only a bottle opener, but a flashlight, too. The GDC ZIP Light will find your beer even in the dark. Connect to your backpack and head out for your next conquest.
Game Used Baseball Bat Bottle Opener

Kitschy? Sure. Expensive? Yes. But making a bottle opener out of an actual used MLB baseball bat sounds pretty cool. Just think you could be cracking your next Founders Canadian Stout with the Barry Bond’s bat that cracked home run number 756.
The Hidebound

Don’t let the sleek, stylish exterior fool you, this solid bar of cold hard steel, makes a sturdy addition to any home bar.
Trophy Brass Bottle Opener

This bottle opener is both stylish and functional. Doubling as an art piece, the Craighill Trophy bottle opener will look great on your countertop and as you crack open the next bottle. And thanks to the brass finish, it’ll only look better with age.
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