We Tried BrewDog’s Hazy Jane

How juicy is Hazy Jane?

Photography by John A. Paradiso
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This article is part of a series of reviews on readily available hazy IPAs from some of the biggest craft breweries in the country.

Most craft breweries dabbling in the New England IPA release their hazy, hoppy brews directly from their taproom. Meaning, if you want to get your hands on some of the top-rated hazy IPAs, you’ll likely need to travel to the brewery, wait on line, and consume them as quickly as possible. But that’s not the case with Hazy Jane from BrewDog.

Traditionally, most hyper-local IPAs aren’t considered “shelf-stable”; i.e., those juicy, mimosa-like fruit flavors will fade as the sixteen-ounce cans sit on a shelf. However, as bigger, more established breweries try their hands at hazy IPAs and ship them across the country to *gasp* sit on bottle shop shelves, they’ve figured out ways to make the haze last longer. Such is the beauty of BrewDog Hazy Jane.

can of brewdog hazy jane ipa


Hazy Jane at a glance:


    • Hazy Jane is a 7.2% New England IPA brewed by BrewDog based in Ellon, Scotland.
    • The beer is brewed with oats and wheat and hopped with Amarillo, Hallertau Blanc, Madarina Bavaria.
    • Hazy Jane was first released in early 2018 and is a year-round release available throughout the U.S. in 6-packs of 12 oz. cans as well as on draft.

The Story Behind BrewDog Hazy Jane

brewdog hazy jane poured in a glass

BrewDog is a brewery and pub chain founded in 2007 in Fraserburgh, Scotland by James Watt and Martin Dickie. Since then, the two have taken the brewery to international acclaim with a newly opened headquarters in the United States. With aggressive and successful marketing, BrewDog has become one of the most recognizable beer brands in the world.

Some of BrewDog’s claim to fame originated with their race to the “strongest beer in the world.” Along the way, they even packaged beer in taxidermied animals.

And when they’re not putting beer in dead animals, BrewDog produces some quality beverages. It goes without saying that the Scottish brand has stirred up controversy but it’s clear that they take pride in pushing craft beer forward. They’ve opened production breweries in Columbus, Ohio and Brisbane, Australia to bring their beer to more folks. They’ve opened over 70 pubs around the world and, in 2018, they launched the world’s first “craft beer hotel.” Most notably, they recently joined forces with Crown & Hops to provide a grant to a black-owned brewer.

6 pack of hazy ipa brewdog hazy jane

In early 2018, BrewDog’s forward march collided with the growing popularity of hazy IPAs. Naturally, they introduced a New England IPA titled Hazy Jane, an unfiltered, opaque IPA that would be available throughout its distribution network. Interestingly, though, the beer wasn’t brewed in Scotland, but in BrewDog’s Ohio location. Part of BrewDog’s year-round lineup, Hazy Jane is a stalwart offering from the UK brewery earning acclaim stateside and abroad.


What Hazy Jane tastes like:

Hazy Jane pours a turbid light golden-orange color with a frothy off-white foam. I found a light tea note with some bitter herbal flavors to dominate the aroma. Subtle orange and pineapple wafted in and out. The hallmark of this beer is its balance of bitterness and bright fruit flavor in the taste.

While most breweries opt for a predominantly sweet juice flavor, BrewDog has injected some piney bitterness into their rendition of a hazy IPA. There is some malt sweetness and tropical fruit qualities, but the inclusion of some more prominent dank, pine makes for a pleasantly different hazy IPA. Overall the mouthfeel is full and well-rounded without being chewy or overwhelming. It’s a refreshing, tasty experience.

The Bottom Line

Hazy Jane joins an array of nationally distributed hazy IPAs and while BrewDog didn’t kick off the New England IPA craze, they’ve added their touch to the trend. Hazy Jane isn’t a mind-blowing beer. BrewDog has produced record-breaking offerings for years and to make a rather understated hazy IPA feels like a statement of its own.

brewdog hazy jane new england ipa

On Untappd Hazy Jane sports a 3.72/5, which isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement. But, on Beer Advocate, Hazy Jane has earned a 90/100. And RateBeer notes a 95/100 for BrewDog’s hazy offering.

I don’t necessarily feel you need to run out to your local bottle shop and pick up a 6-pack. But, I think this could slot in as a suitable, accessible hazy IPA option. The balance of bitter and tropical makes for a healthy change of pace in the world of hazy IPAs.

Buy Now: BrewDog Hazy Jane 6-Pack

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About The Author

John A. Paradiso

John A. Paradiso

Currently Drinking:
Saison Dupont

John A. Paradiso is the former managing editor at Hop Culture Magazine and current managing editor at Cool Material. His interests include listening to the tunes of King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizzard and watching Wes Anderson films. His Wednesdays are spent picking up comics at the local comic book shop and his weekends are spent watching Premier League soccer. He's probably down to get a beer later.

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