What’s a Belgian India Pale Ale?

A hoppy spin on a Belgian classic or a Belgian spin on a hoppy classic?

Image by Kinsley Stocum

What makes a Belgian IPA Belgian? What makes french fries French? Uh… maybe not the best comparison.

The Belgian IPA is another form of the India pale ale, inspired by the American and “double” versions but brewed a bit differently.

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Libbey glasses are durable, American-made, and the most practical choice when drinking Belgian IPAs.

Buy: $15 for Two

Contrary to what the name might have you believe, Belgian IPAs aren’t actually popular in Belgium. What makes an IPA “Belgian” is that during the brewing process, the final yeast strain is Belgian, which gives the beer a crisper, more concluding bitterness and a much drier mouthfeel than other IPA styles. What’s exciting about the style, though, is that it’s very much still in its “testing phase.” The alcohol contents are higher, the tastes are varying, and the brewers are abundant. If you were going to gamble on the next beer “trend,” Belgian IPA might be a safe bet.

Buy a Fantastic Belgian IPA: $17

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About The Author

Evan Malachosky

Evan Malachosky

Currently Drinking:
Tired Hands' We Are All Infinite Energy Vibrating At The Same Frequency

Evan Malachosky is a Pittsburgh based writer. He's an editorial assistant at Hop Culture and a lover of both Saisons and Thai food equally; like children, choosing a favorite would regrettably upset the other.

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